A free, virtual forum on the eleven (14) statewide ballot Issues and four (4) City of Greeley ballot issues held on Thursday, October 17, 2024. Ballot issues were explained with arguments pro and con presented. This is an educational forum.
To access this forum, go to our YouTube page.
All Forums and Webinars can be viewed on the state League YouTube page.

The LWV Greeley-Weld County hosted a local legislative Candidate Forum by Zoom webinar on Thursday, September 26, 2024. The forum feature candidates running for office in Colorado Legislative House Districts 50 and 64 and Senate District 13. All candidates were invited to participate. Candidates responded to prepared and audience questions related to key topics and issues and how they would represent constituents in these legislative districts. To view the forum, follow this link:
Republican Forum

A Colorado Congressional District #4 Republican Primary Candidate Forum was held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. The six Republican Party candidates running for that office in the primary election were invited to participate. Yo can view view the forum at https://youtu.be/tY6VXzY2ikc
Co-sponsors of the forum were the local Leagues from Arapahoe, Douglas County and Larimer County, LWV Colorado, KUNC, Colorado Community Media, AAUW of Colorado, Pro 15 and El Seminario.
Democratic Forum
A Colorado Congressional District #4 Democratic Primary Candidate Forum was held on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, via Zoom. View the forum here.
2023 Election Season Forums
The League partnered with the Greeley Evans School District 6 and the City of Greeley to hold the following forums:
- The Greeley Evans School District 6 Candidate Forum held on Thursday, September 21, 2023.
- The City of Greeley Candidate Forum held on Thursday, September 28, 2023. (The Greeley TV Channel 8 rebroadcast schedule has passed.)
- A Virtual Forum on Thursday, October 12, 2023, to provide information on State Ballot issues and City of Greeley Ballot Questions.
The mission of the League is to inform voters with complete, accurate and non-partisan information about issues and candidates running for office. The League urges all voters to continue to seek information about candidates from all parties and ballot issues so that they are well-informed voters by accessing
Looking for a non-partisan source that allows you to compare candidates side by side? Go to
for information about the Colorado Judges that are up for retention and who will be on the November ballot, plus information about Colorado's judicial merit selection and retention system. Additional information about judges who appear on the ballot for retention may be found in the Blue Book which is mailed to all households with registered voters.