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Serving the people of Weld County, Colorado
HomeAction & Advocacy

Action & Advocacy

Climate Change

Resilience to climate change was the topic for the League of Women Voters March 21 meeting. UNC climate scientist Dr. Cindy Shellito spoke about how to respond to the global climate challenge and helped us understand how to apply practical knowledge to adapt and reduce negative impacts locally.  Dr. Shellito and her team are working on projects at the University of Northern Colorado to build climate change resilience.  View the video on our You Tube Channel.


Weld County Special Districts:  What You Need to Know!


Did you know that Weld County has more Metropolitan Districts than any other county in the state?  For the tax year ending December 31, 2022, the Weld County treasurer received approximately $990 million in taxes and Weld County kept $187 million for its own use. For what was the remaining money collected.  It was collected for towns, cites, Aims Community College, school districts and special districts. What is a special district?

On Thursday, February 15 the League of Women Voters Greeley Weld County held a meeting on “Weld County Special Districts: What you Need to Know”.  Featured speakers were Christina Manthey, Fayre Ruszczyk and John Henderson of the LWV Jefferson County who have done extensive research and discussed the issues surrounding Special Districts.  The link to the video on our YouTube channel is

Waterwise in our Backyard

League of Women Voters Greeley-Weld held a program, “Waterwise in Our Backyard” on Thursday, March 16, 2023. Ruth Quade from the City of Greeley Water Department has built the local program addressing Water Conservation and how we can safeguard our water supply. Since we live in a semi-arid climate, water supplies must be used wisely. This program highlighted how we can achieve conservation goals.  To view the video, go to our YouTube channel.
Housing Instability in Weld County

“Weld County was recently identified as the 4th most un-affordable housing market in the nation, and according to the US Census we already have a deficit of 3,866 units of affordable housing.” To learn more about this problem with hope toward improving the situation League of Women Voters Greeley-Weld, (LWVGW), hosted a Weld Housing Instability general education panel discussion on Thursday, May12. The panel included City of Greeley Interim Chief Resiliency Officer Heather Balser,Director of Greeley Family House Nancy Wiehagen,Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity Cheri Witt-Brown, and Shawn Walcott representing United Way Weld’s Way Home.  Deb Deboutez of Greeley City Council Ward 2, facilitated the panel discussion. You can view the presentation on our YouTube channel.

League Participation and Leadership Updates

Rooted in the movement that secured the right to vote for women, the League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government by working to educate voters and to increase understanding of major public policy issues, including protecting and engaging voters, reforming money in politics, and defending the environment.  Sign up to get national League of Women Voters updates. Sign Up

100th Anniversary Celebrations
In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the League of Women Voters and the 75th Anniversary of the establishment of the Greeley-Weld County League, the cities of Evans, Colorado, and Greeley, Colorado, honored the local League with proclamations recognizing our achievements over the past century.  Our thanks and appreciation to the leadership of Greeley and Evans for their recognition of the service the League of Women Voters provides for the county.

Greeley Proclamation

Evans Proclamation

Taking a Position

The League of Women Voters takes action on an issue or advocates for a cause when there is an existing League position that supports the issue or speaks to the cause.

Positions result from a process of study. Any given study, whether it be National, State, or Local, is thorough in its pursuit of facts and details. As the study progresses, a continuing discussion of pros and cons of each situation occurs. Prior to the results of the study being presented to the general membership, study committee members fashion consensus questions that are then addressed by the membership.

Additional discussion, pro and con, takes place as members (not part of the study committee) learn the scope of the study. After the members reach consensus, the board forms positions based on that consensus.

It is the consensus statement – the statement resulting from the consensus questions – that becomes a position. Firm action or advocacy can then be taken on the particular issue addressed by the position. Without a position, action/advocacy cannot be taken.

Approved Greeley-Weld County Positions

National LWV Positions

Impact on Issues 2020-2022

Colorado LWV Positions

Positions for Action 2019-2021


Local Programs

Affordable Housing
For information about Greeley's plans for providing affordable housing, go to the City of Greeley Long Rang Planning site or view/download the strategic-housing-plan.

Additional information can be found at the United Way of Weld County Weld's Way Home.